
Good Weather = Great Day

Today was a beautiful day. With a beautiful day comes a great mood, and I couldn't be feeling better than I am right now.

I applied to be an Engineering Ambassador for MSU last week, and got an interview scheduled for this Thursday. Hopefully that goes well, because not only would it be a little extra cash on the side, it'd be a good experience.

I got calls from the recruiting departments at Honda and DaimlerChrysler today, which was shocking to say the least. I don't think I'll be pursuing anything with Honda though, as they're looking for students to intern from January to May. I don't want to miss another semester, unless it's a really good offer. DaimlerChrysler, on the other hand, is a very tough internship to obtain, and the fact that they even contacted me is flattering. They're looking for a summer intern in the Detroit area- which is both good and bad. Good because it'd be close to home, and bad, well, bad because it'd be close to home.

Toyota is really my ideal company, and I love Kentucky, but I'm just keeping my options open. I'll probably be going to the Career Gallery tomorrow, just for the sake of getting a bunch of free stuff and throwing the résumé around. And advice to all of you looking for internships and co-ops: Grades aren't everything (take my career 3.1 GPA for example), desire and motivation are just as important, and the hardest thing to do is getting your foot in the door. Once you get that, you're set.

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