
Last One

Well, this is it. I really should have graduated a week ago, but alas, I am returning to MSU in the fall for two more semesters. And honestly, I couldn't be happier about it. There's still so much to see and do, and I feel as if the 7 semesters prior to this spring were just a giant learning experience.

Finals came and went (well), no 4.0's but that's alright. I've got my co-op with Toyota this summer, and that's all that matters. Although, the timing couldn't be any worse. I've been fortunate enough to meet some great people, and the very fact that I'll be gone for three months hurts. Granted, I'd be an idiot to pass up the opportunity, and it's only twelve weeks, but I can't help but feel that I'm going to miss out on a lot, and not just Cedar Point trips. I'll definitely be making, at the very least, a monthly trip back up to Michigan.

For the next few months, starting May 17th, I'll be living in Erlanger, KY, about 5 minutes away from Toyota's North American Headquarters. I have no idea what I'll be doing this time around- at first, I was disappointed that I wouldn't be working at the plant anymore, but hopefully they've got some fun stuff lined up for me. As long as it doesn't involve traveling to Princeton, I'm good with whatever they throw at me. Distractions are always welcome though, so if you find yourself bored and in need of a road trip, look no further than a 4-5 hour jaunt down to Erlanger. We could catch a Reds game, go to the Cincy Zoo or Aquarium, or just hang out at any of the parks in the area.

Anyway, have a great summer, and stay tuned for 5ifthyear. Feel free to shoot me an email message, facebook mailbox message, or any other means of communication you may know of.