
I'm Still Here

2 weeks. Wow. I wish I could say I'd been busy these past 14 days, but that'd be lying, and that's not what I'm about.

Today marks the third week of classes, and they're only getting more boring and frustrating. Which is fun, if you enjoy those things. Mondays are just awful for me. Curious? Here's my schedule:

[7:45-9:00] MSE 426
[9:10-10:00] ME 451
[11:30-12:20] ME 332
[4:10-5:30] ME 477
[7:00-9:50] ME 451 Lab

Now, if my math serves me right, and if that stupid Controls Lab lasts almost 3 hours, I think I qualify as having one of the longest days ever. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

Seeing as how I've got 45 minutes til Fluids, maybe I'll go and study that some. Or pass out in the library.



I was going to talk about the weekend, but I'm in between classes right now and just thought I'd mention this site I came across, helpful to any incoming/inexperienced MSU students and visitors.

Spartylive (http://www.spartylive.com) makes getting around MSU's ridiculously large, and at time, intimidating campus, a lot easier. An interactive map helps you find the building you're looking for, as well as laying out bus routes so you can plan your ride if you need to. I think it's a great idea, seeing as how I'm tired of having people ask me where Wells Hall is. Just kidding.

Lansing State Journal Article


Flytrap. George Flytrap.

One of his traps opened up overnight. Of course, I missed it.

Other than that, he seems to be doing alright. I put a banana peel near his home to see if it could help him attract bugs. We'll see.

More Contrasting

Yesterday was my last day at work. Yesterday, I jumped nearly 30 feet off a warehouse shelf (into a pile of cardboard, no worries). Did I enjoy it? Oh yes, very much.

Now I'm back in East Lansing, and what's one of the first things I do? Pull a complete 180 and buy a Venus fly trap. So yes, I'm a green thumb adrenaline junkie.

Pictures of George Flytrap (yeah, I named him) coming soon.


2007: Some Same, Some Different

I don't want to jinx it, but 2007 is already off to a great start. Yes, this is the post where I look back at 2006 fondly and with such great interest. Well, not really. 2006 came and went, and I'm just ready for this year.

The Same:

  • School. It just never ends. And to think, if everything had gone accordingly, I'd be graduating in May. Incredibly hard to believe that I'd actually be out in the real world. Terrifying. Once again, I've got a full course load this semester, with mind-numbing classes like Control Systems (ME 451), Fluid Mechanics (ME 332), Intro to Composite Materials (MSE 426), and Manufacturing Processes (ME 477). After a fairly average Fall semester, I'm just looking to keep my 3.0 and make it back to Toyota in May.
  • The Detroit Lions. Unbelievable. Honestly, how do you close out a completely meaningless season with a win against a playoff bound Dallas Cowboys team and screw up your chance at the Number 1 pick? Hand it to the Lions to completely disappoint a city by winning. And son of a bitch, Matt Millen still has his job? If my boss ever tries firing me after 4 years of complete futility, I can't wait to play the Millen card.
The Different:
  • Notice I only listed two things under the "Same" heading. I don't expect anything else from 2006 to carry over into 2007, which is both good and bad.
  • A new, motivated me. That's right, I'm done with the unhealthy eating, staying up late for no reason at all, wasting time habits I've gotten too used to. Yes, I realize this sounds like every other idiot's New Year's resolutions, but these aren't resolutions. I'm actually going to do them.
  • Making the most of everything. I definitely want to do more this year. More exploring, more risk taking, more trips, more aimlessly comforting nights, more photography, more doing the things I want to do, more everything.
I'm done. Happy New Year to you all- don't let anything get in your way in 2007.