I'm Still Here
2 weeks. Wow. I wish I could say I'd been busy these past 14 days, but that'd be lying, and that's not what I'm about.
Today marks the third week of classes, and they're only getting more boring and frustrating. Which is fun, if you enjoy those things. Mondays are just awful for me. Curious? Here's my schedule:
[7:45-9:00] MSE 426
[9:10-10:00] ME 451
[11:30-12:20] ME 332
[4:10-5:30] ME 477
[7:00-9:50] ME 451 Lab
Now, if my math serves me right, and if that stupid Controls Lab lasts almost 3 hours, I think I qualify as having one of the longest days ever. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.
Seeing as how I've got 45 minutes til Fluids, maybe I'll go and study that some. Or pass out in the library.