

It was taking too long for me to come up with a title, so I said screw it. Well, it's been a while since I posted anything here, but don't let that fool you. I haven't been occupied, busy, or even lazy. I've just had absolutely nothing to talk about. That's what happens when your life is the epitome of mediocrity.

Anyway, nothing new to write about school. It still sucks, only difference now compared to a month ago is that I've come to accept that I've still got 2 more years of this crap.

This past weekend I went downtown with the intent of doing some volunteer work, but when that fell through, I walked around Lansing and just took pictures. Then I went over to Baker Woodlot and brought the camera along as well. It's amazing out there this time of year, really peaceful. Some of the pics made it to Flickr.

After last night, the Tigers are down 2-1 to the Cardinals. Am I worried? I'd be lying if I said no. Hopefully tonight's outcome is a bit better; the hitting hasn't been able to get anything done lately.

And to end, Abbott Pointe Apartments suck. Honestly, if you live in the East Lansing area, don't live here. Our running water comes in just two temperatures-- scalding hot and lukewarm. There are random sounds at all times of the day, mostly from birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and mythical creatures running/flying/screwing and/or just spiting me. I honestly think the birds flying into my window know exactly what they're doing. I'll just end on that note.


Mother Nature's A Clever One

Just when I thought I had the old lady figured out, she goes and throws snow and wind right in my face. Anyway, let's recap the week, since I've done nothing but a whole lot of nothing today.

Tigers beat the Yankees, moved on the ALCS, and have an incredible 2-0 lead on the A's. This is probably the most excited I've been in a long while. To think that the same team that had 119 losses 3 years ago is on the verge of the World Series is heartstopping. Which, by the way, is actually what I felt last night, with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th and Frank Thomas up to bat.

I had my second Dynamics exam yesterday. Want to know how it went? If you like me, you'll send a hate-filled email to my professor. Here's his website. That was easily the hardest exam I have ever taken, and believe me, I've flunked my fair share. The good news is that I'm not failing any of my other classes, so I'll still be a college student for at least another semester after this one.

I'm going home for part of this weekend. I kind of wish I weren't, mostly because it's fairly pointless. I'll make the most of it and be back Saturday night hopefully. Well now I'm just talking boring crap. Later.



Amazing. I haven't been this happy about a Detroit sports team since the Pistons won the championship.

Top 5 Reasons Game 3 was the best Tigers game all season:

5. Ernie Harwell doing the ESPN broadcast for a couple innings.
4. The incredible amount of energy 43,000 fans brought to Comerica Park.
3. Solid, clutch hitting with 2 outs.
2. Postseason baseball in Detroit for the first time in 19 years.
1. 41 year-old Kenny Rogers proving everyone wrong with a dominant curveball.

Here's hoping Game 4 tomorrow is the last we see of the Yankees.


Yes, A Second Post.

This one's a little more general, just a few things on my mind:

1) I realize the few people reading this might be reading this from facebook or some other source, the real address of this site is http://4ourthyear.blogspot.com. Just in case you were wondering.

2) A while back, I had a separate "A Photo A Day" blog. That got old pretty fast, so now I just post whatever photos I like the most on my Flickr page, which is http://www.flickr.com/photos/jstealth03. I don't take photography too seriously, it's just something I like to do.

3) MSU Football? Incredibly Disappointing. Lions Football? Somewhat disappointing. Tigers Baseball? Depressing end to a great season, but that gets tossed out the window tonight. Hope Game 1 is a bit better than the last 5 games of the regular season.

Good Weather = Great Day

Today was a beautiful day. With a beautiful day comes a great mood, and I couldn't be feeling better than I am right now.

I applied to be an Engineering Ambassador for MSU last week, and got an interview scheduled for this Thursday. Hopefully that goes well, because not only would it be a little extra cash on the side, it'd be a good experience.

I got calls from the recruiting departments at Honda and DaimlerChrysler today, which was shocking to say the least. I don't think I'll be pursuing anything with Honda though, as they're looking for students to intern from January to May. I don't want to miss another semester, unless it's a really good offer. DaimlerChrysler, on the other hand, is a very tough internship to obtain, and the fact that they even contacted me is flattering. They're looking for a summer intern in the Detroit area- which is both good and bad. Good because it'd be close to home, and bad, well, bad because it'd be close to home.

Toyota is really my ideal company, and I love Kentucky, but I'm just keeping my options open. I'll probably be going to the Career Gallery tomorrow, just for the sake of getting a bunch of free stuff and throwing the résumé around. And advice to all of you looking for internships and co-ops: Grades aren't everything (take my career 3.1 GPA for example), desire and motivation are just as important, and the hardest thing to do is getting your foot in the door. Once you get that, you're set.